Why kids under 5 still can’t get a COVID-19 vaccine

January 21, 2022

Though vaccines have restored some semblance of pre-pandemic life for most people in the United States, one group is still waiting: kids under five, who are not yet eligible for the COVID-19 vaccines. Thatā€™s been particularly frustrating for their parents, who must decide what activities are safe for their unvaccinated childrenā€”and who are often left scrambling when outbreaks shut down schools and daycare.

Compared to adults, children in this age group are less at risk for severe COVID-19. But currently the coronavirusā€™s Omicron variant is driving a surge in pediatric hospitalizationsā€”more than double that of the previous peak in the fallā€”because itā€™s more transmissible than earlier strains.

Elizabeth Lloyd, a pediatric infectious diseases expert at University of Michigan Health C.S. Mott Childrenā€™s Hospital, says itā€™s hard to tease out how many children were hospitalized for COVID-19 versus for other reasons. ā€œBut from my experience, weā€™re definitely seeing more kids who are sick and who are sometimes needing ICU-level care,ā€ she says. ā€œThis is something weā€™re hoping with this [childrenā€™s] vaccine could be preventable.ā€

Read more at National Geographic.

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