
December 10, 2009

Welcome to Colorado Mom2Mom – a blog written by moms for moms to who have questions about childhood vaccines. We’ll be launching this blog in January 2010

The current vaccine schedule is a powerful tool to protect your childā€™s health. It can also be confusing for new parents, and even a little scary. There is so much information available on childhood vaccines on the internet and TV; itā€™s sometimes hard to determine which information is best.

This blog was created to support parents who vaccinate their children and to answer questions to help parents make educated decisions about the health care of children. We’ll discuss all aspects of childhood vaccination including the most current science, and the emotional decisions that parents face when vaccinating their children. We hope that this blog will be your home for accurate, timely information on childhood immunizations.

If you have a question that youā€™d like to see answered on Colorado Mom2Mom email us at ccicoffice@tchden.org.

If you have any questions or concerns about this blog, or are a member of the media, please feel free to contact Dawn Crawford, CCIC Communications Director, at crawford.dawn@tchden.org or 720-777-8917.

Immunize Colorado