Viruses Are Hitting With a Vengeance. Tips for a Healthier Holiday Season

November 15, 2022

Flu, RSV, and COVID-19 infections all are skyrocketing just as weā€™re gearing up for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.

ā€œWe are officially in respiratory viral season. That includes everything you can think of from the common cold to more severe illnesses, and it has begun with a vengeance,ā€ said  Dr. Michelle Barron, senior medical director of infection prevention and control for UCHealth and one of the top infectious disease experts in Colorado.

ā€œSometimes we have a slow start to the respiratory season. Not this year,ā€ Barron said. ā€œWe went from nothing to hundreds of cases in a very short time frame.ā€

Read more at Colorado Times Recorder.

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