Top 10 Vaccine Infographics

August 16, 2013

We love data. And we love it even more in a digestible yet compelling visual. In honor of National Immunization Awareness Month, weā€™ve compiled a list of our top ten favorite vaccine infographics. Here they are, in no particular order.

1.Ā  Vaccine Infographic by Leon Farrant
Plain and simple. Vaccines have made our world a healthier place to live.


2.Ā  Valient Vaccines Vs. Microbe Meanies by BC/DC Ideas for Vax Northwest and the Immunization Action Coalition of Washington
This snapshot of past, present and future vaccine milestones is parent- and kid-friendly. Designed for the 50th anniversary of the Seattle Worldā€™s Fair, its true power is in a nearly 6-foot tall pop-up banner!


3.Ā  The Journey of Your Childā€™s Vaccine by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The U.S. currently has the safest vaccine supply in its history, but do you know how it gets that way?


4.Ā Is the HPV Vaccine Safe? v. 2.0 by Information is Beautiful
This awesome infographic should put to rest any myths about the safety of HPV vaccination.


5.Ā  Vaccines Work: Cost Effectiveness by the International Vaccines Access Center at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Whatā€™s money in the bank? Averting illness. What’s priceless? Giving many more children the opportunity to reach their fifth birthday safe and sound.


6. Ā The Great Vaccination Debate by
Thereā€™s no debating that vaccines save lives, save dollars and prevent infection.


7. Thinking Big on Immunization by UNICEF
Big thinking means stopping the clock on the fact that a child dies every 20 seconds from a vaccine-preventable disease.


8. Protect Babies from Whooping Cough by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Learn how to swaddle your new baby in a circle of protection with this delightful infographic.
(Also available in Spanish)


9. Ā Vaccines Save Lives by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
This colorful infographic makes it clear — thereā€™s no simpler way to protect children around the world from deadly diseases.


10.Ā  Adult Vaccination Recommendations by Word of Mom (March of Dimes and Sanofi Pasteur)
Weā€™ve said it before and weā€™ll say it again: Vaccines arenā€™t just for kids!Word of Mom Adult Vaccination Recommendations Infographic Final
Tweet us your favorite at @ImmunizeCOKids!

Immunize Colorado