Thousands of preterm births likely prevented by COVID-19 vaccines, study finds

November 28, 2023

Earlier this month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released data that brought attention to a horrifying trend: the infant death rate in the U.S. increased by 3 percent in 2022.

The rise in infant mortality marked the first significant increase in about two decades. After the news broke, some people took to social media toĀ spread anti-vaccine misinformationĀ and attempt to fabricate a story that COVID-19 vaccines were to blame. Itā€™s no secret thatĀ online pregnancy support groups are rife with vaccine misinformation, and the power of misinformation has real-life impacts. Pregnant women, who are at aĀ higher risk for severe illness, haveĀ relatively low vaccination ratesĀ against COVID-19.

Read more at Salon.

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