The U.S. is about to approve a fourth COVID vaccine that could be a silver bullet solution to the anti-vax crisis

March 7, 2022

It might not be long until a fourth COVID vaccine is available in the U.S., and itā€™s a big deal.

Novavax Inc.ā€™s COVID-19 vaccine is on its way towards authorization from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration after formally submitting a request in late January. 

The company says it has resolved the manufacturing issues that had delayed their application, and now expects approval from the FDA in the coming weeks, according to reporting from the Wall Street Journal

In clinical trials first published in January 2021, Novavaxā€™s vaccine was up to 90% effective in preventing severe COVID-19 infections, on par with the already-approved vaccines fromĀ PfizerĀ andĀ Moderna. But questions remained about the companyā€™s manufacturing capabilities that have delayed its ability to bring the vaccine to market.

Read more at Fortune.

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