The Psychology of Vaccine Hesitancy

January 12, 2022

If, just a few years ago, someone had written a sci-fi story about a global pandemic in which a significant portion of the population refused to take the vaccine that would save their lives, it wouldā€™ve been dismissed as too far-fetched. And yet, here we are, well into that dystopian future.

As of this writing (mid-January 2022), the U.S. death toll from COVID-19 has exceeded 800,000, with no sign of the virus abating. Despite the ready availability of effective vaccines, nearly a third of Americans still havenā€™t gotten inoculated. What accounts for this vaccine hesitancy?

In part, itā€™s due to ā€œanti-vaxxerā€ conspiracy theories. False claims, such as the notion that childhood vaccines causing autism, have been rampant on social media. So, if youā€™ve bought into this misinformation and already have doubts about vaccine safety, itā€™s understandable why youā€™d have misgivings about the COVID shot as well.

Read more at Psychology Today.

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