RSV Vaccines Are Nearly Here after Decades of False Starts

March 20, 2023

Megan Smith was especially conscious of the threat COVID posed to her six-week-old daughter in October 2021. The now 36-year-old from Buffalo, N.Y., was ā€œdoing everything we could to protect her,ā€ Smith says. Ultimately, though, it wasnā€™t COVID that sent her baby to the hospital but a more mundane virus that infects nearly everyone by their second birthday: respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

Smithā€™s daughter required hospitalization and intubation from this respiratory virus, which infects the nose, throat, lungs and breathing passages. ā€œI was not prepared for this in any sort of way,ā€ says Smith, who was startled to learn no treatments for RSV exist besides supportive care and oxygen. Her daughter recovered, but Smith was left wishing a vaccine could have saved her that stress and heartache.

Read more at Scientific American.

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