Routine Vaccination Rates in Teens and Adults Continue to Lag Behind Pre-Pandemic Levels, Follow-up Analysis Shows

January 21, 2022

PHILADELPHIA–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-recommended vaccinations for teens and adults continued to lag in 2020 and into the summer of 2021, according toĀ a follow-up claims analysiscommissioned by GSK and conducted by Avalere Health, an Inovalon company. This assessment follows two previous reports tracking the pandemicā€™s significant effect on routine vaccination.

Key findings include:

  • From January 2020-July 2021, monthly vaccine claims decreased on average 32% for adults and 36% for adolescents when compared to the same months in 2019.
  • Cumulatively, adults and teens may have missed an estimated 37.1 million doses of recommended vaccines compared to 2019.

ā€œIt’s very concerning to continue to see millions of missed CDC-recommended vaccinations among both vulnerable age groups,ā€ said Barbara Howe, MD, Vice President and Director, Vaccines Medical and Clinical, US at GSK. ā€œWe know the ongoing pandemic presents challenges to important efforts to catch up and then exceed pre-pandemic vaccination levels, but we must not become complacent. Lower vaccination rates cannot become the norm, or we may find ourselves grappling with a number of public health crises for diseases that could have been prevented.ā€

Read more at BioSpace.

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