All students and school staff members deserve a healthy school environment that supports their well-being and builds a strong foundation for learning. Because diseases can spread rapidly in a school environment, high vaccination rates – roughly 95% for each vaccine – can help protect students, staff and community members from dangerous diseases. Colorado law requires most schools and licensed child care facilities to report their immunization and exemption data to the state health department every year, and for the health department to share this data publicly. The data helps school administrators, parents and the public understand how protected a school community is against disease.
Parents and caregivers can learn more about vaccination coverage in their child’s school district or the county in which their child attends child care by exploring data dashboards and fact sheets created by Immunize Colorado using the immunization and exemption data that is annually reported to CDPHE.
Dashboards and fact sheets for the 2021-22 school year are now available.