Parents Are Main Targets For Antivaxx Misinformation

January 14, 2022

January 9, 2022

Parents are finding themselves as the targets of antivaxx misinformation and this was confirmed by a recent study that was done. While there have always been people out there who are considered ā€œantivaxx,ā€ the conversations about vaccines and children have really taken a turn during the current pandemic. With COVID-19 vaccines rolling out across the country, and the world, there is a slew of misinformation out there about the vaccine. This misinformation has been around during the whole pandemic, but vaccine misinformation could be dangerous and could prevent a child from getting something that is important for their health.

According toĀ Scary Mommy, a new study has come out that shows that antivaxx misinformation campaigns are targeting parents of children the most, and they may be preying on the fear andĀ hesitationĀ parents have in regards to the health of their children.

Read more at Moms.

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