Overwhelmed by chaos and uncertainty, families with kids under 5 are on a vaccine roller coaster

February 21, 2022

Theyā€™ve wrestled with child-care crises. Theyā€™ve missed work and paychecks. Some have even changed careers when day-care closures forced them to work remotely.

Parents of children younger than 5 say they feel forgotten and left behind, watching others reclaim normalcy while they stay home with kids who are too young to be vaccinated and have to quarantine when there is an exposure to the coronavirus at day care or school.

ā€œThe rest of the world has moved on, and they are not able to do so safely,ā€ said Jennifer Shu, a pediatrician and spokeswoman for the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Parents are now dealing with another twist in a two-year roller-coaster ride after a coronavirus vaccine for the youngest children wasĀ further delayed this month. The Food and Drug Administration said it would wait to make a decision on authorizing the vaccine until data on a third dose becomes available ā€” opening up a host of new questions and concerns.

Read more at The Washington Post.

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