Opinion: As a nurse I see people worried about vaccines: that doesn’t mean they’re anti-vaxxers

December 23, 2021

December 20, 2021

I started working as a nurse in 1987. I’m coming up for my 35th year: I knew it was an anniversary, but I had to count which one. Sometimes I feel I’ve been doing this for too long. But the Covid vaccination programme has been amazing. We have seen how, when we want to do something, we can pull it off. I work as a vaccinator at a centre in Coventry where we get through 440 a people a day, usually between five vaccinators; about 80 people each.

The mobilisation of this workforce and the rollout has been outstanding. The camaraderie is the best bit of the job for me – that we’re working together and it’s positive when so much is doom and gloom. We’re doing something to fix the pandemic, and fixing things is what nursing is about. I find myself smiling under my mask; I’ve realised people can see it in my eyes, even if they can’t see my mouth.

Read more at The Guardian.

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