More than three in five pregnant women in the U.S. are unvaccinated, putting them at risk from the fast-spreading Omicron variant

December 23, 2021

December 23, 2021

The omicron variant is heightening risks for this little-talked-about demographic: pregnant women.

Left out of early vaccine trials and faced with confusing messages and misinformation on the dangers to their unborn children, a disproportionately large number of pregnant women have steered clear of COVID shots. About 75% of expectant mothers in the U.K. and about 65% in the U.S. remain unvaccinated, making them among the groups most at risk of getting infected and being exposed to severe forms of the disease as the fast-spreading omicron strain sweeps across the globe. 

At least 17 pregnant women and four babies have died from COVID-19 in England between May and October, figuresĀ published last weekĀ show. Over that period, 98% of pregnant women admitted to intensive care were unvaccinated. Also, since July,Ā one in five CovidĀ patients receiving treatment in England through a special lung-bypass machine was an unvaccinated expectant mother.Ā 

Read more at Fortune.

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