Immunize Colorado Partners with Community Influencers to Promote Vaccines

June 28, 2022

Immunize Colorado is excited to partner with African Youth Advocate (AYA) to promote access and education to routine immunizations in the Black, African, and Immigrant communities in the Denver Metro area. AYA hostsĀ community eventsĀ that celebrate diversity and culture in different populations through food, music, and games. Immunize Colorado will work with them to offer vaccines at these events. This ongoing partnership will kick off with a large event in early AugustĀ focused on the Ghanian community.Ā 

Outside of Denver Metro, we have also partnered with Reverend Zelna Joseph, founder of the S/HE Identity,Ā a faith-based nonprofit based in Colorado Springs that offers services to families who have been societally marginalized. Zelna is a trusted faith leader in the African American community in Colorado Springs, and will be planning routine immunization clinics in partnership with churches and faith communitiesĀ starting in late summer.

We are thrilled to work with these wonderful partners, and look forward to elevating their work throughĀ lasting partnerships.

For inquiries about this work, please contact Sarah at

Immunize Colorado