Immunize Colorado Attends NCICP; Julissa Soto and Dr. Leisha Andersen Win NCICP Awards

September 30, 2022

Several members of the Immunize Colorado team traveled to Minneapolis this month for the National Conference for Immunization Coalitions and Partnerships (NCICP) co-sponsored byĀ Immunize.orgĀ and Voices for Vaccines. The conference focused on fostering equity, building partnerships, and promoting vaccine confidence. Our team had a wonderful time learning and making connections; takeaways from the conference are sure to enhance our work to protect Colorado families, schools, and communities from vaccine-preventable diseases and broaden our network across the state.

Additionally, the 2022 NCICP Awards were presented during the conference, and two of these prestigious awards went to Colorado vaccine champions! The 2022 Recognition Awards Equity in Immunization award was given to Julissa Soto. Julissa has been a force for vaccine equity in Colorado and works tirelessly to make sure the Latino community stays healthy through vaccination for COVID-19 and other routine immunizations. The 2022 Excellence in Immunization Collaboration award was given to Dr. Leisha Andersen of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Colorado Chapter. Dr. Andersen has been an instrumental health champion across Colorado, advocating for routine and COVID-19 vaccination in the pediatric population. We’re proud to congratulate Julissa and Dr. Andersen on their awards and thank them for their continued efforts to keep Colorado communities healthy through immunization!

Finally, during NCICP, Julissa Soto along with Immunize Colorado’s program director, Sarah Waraniak, presented on Julissa’s “Vaccine Sundays” initiative and engaging Hispanic and Latino communities around COVID-19 vaccines in Colorado. Sarah also presented with Julissa and folks from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and Colorado Access in a session titled, “Reducing Dispanirty and Better Delivery Through Innovation.”

Immunize Colorado