HPV Vaccination: Powerful Protection Against Cervical Cancer and More

January 24, 2025

The photo shows a group of multi-ethnic and gender diverse young adults.

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. While regular screenings can aid in early detection of cervical cancer, there’s another important component to defeating this deadly disease—vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is the main cause of cervical cancer. It also causes other types of cancer, like anal and oropharyngeal (mouth and throat) cancers. Read on to learn about HPV vaccination, including how it can help protect against cervical and other cancers and who should get vaccinated and when.

What exactly is HPV, and how is it spread?

HPV is a very common virus–so common that a majority of people will get it at some point in their lifetime. Over 42 million people in the U.S. are currently infected, and there are 13 million new infections each year. HPV is spread through skin-to-skin contact (including sexual and non-sexual encounters) and can infect people of any age and biological sex. It infects the genital areas as well as the mouth and throat. Most infections do not cause symptoms and eventually go away on their own. Other infections, however, can cause genital warts and years later can result in cervical, genital, anal, and oral cancers. Even people who show no symptoms can spread the virus. There are more than 37,000 cancer cases each year that are associated with HPV infection. There is no cure for HPV, only treatment for symptoms. The HPV vaccine is the best way to prevent HPV infection before it happens. The vaccine is more than 90% effective at preventing cancers caused by HPV. 

Who should get the HPV vaccine and when?

The HPV vaccine is recommended at 11–12 years of age and can be given as early as age 9. A second dose should be given 6–12 months after the first. The vaccine is more effective at this age than it is when given at older ages, so getting vaccinated on time is important. This also helps ensure protection well before exposure to the virus and to prevent spreading the infection to future partners.

The HPV vaccine is also recommended for everyone through age 26 who was not previously vaccinated. After age 15, 3 doses of the vaccine are needed instead of 2 (the second dose should be given 1 to 2 months after the first and the third dose should be given 6 months after the second). Adults 27 to 45 years of age not previously vaccinated should talk to their medical provider to see if HPV vaccination is right for them. 

What about the safety of the HPV vaccine?

The HPV vaccine is very safe. Most people don’t have any side effects after HPV vaccination. Others have very mild side effects like pain or redness at the site where the shot was given. Other side effects can include headache, fever, fatigue, and nausea—all of which are mild and will go away within a few days. Keep in mind that side effects after vaccination are very normal. They are usually a good sign that the body is mounting an immune response that will fight off future infection. Like all other vaccines, the HPV vaccine was rigorously tested before approval, and it continues to be monitored today. There have not been any serious concerns associated with HPV vaccination, and more than 135 million HPV vaccinations have been given in the U.S.

What does the HPV vaccination landscape in Colorado look like? 

If we look at the Colorado HPV Data Summary, we see regional variations in HPV vaccination rates. In the Southeast Region, which has the lowest rates statewide, only 18% of adolescent females and 17% of adolescent males are up to date. This is in contrast to the Denver Metro Region, where 32% of adolescent females and 31% of adolescent males are up to date. Both groups are well under the target of 80%. This illustrates the need to protect Colorado kids with the HPV vaccine. Also compelling is the latest data from Children’s Hospital Colorado, which shows HPV among the top reasons for emergency room visits for Colorado adults with a vaccine-preventable disease. Clearly, we have some work to do to prevent HPV and related cancers in Colorado!

While January is an important time to raise awareness about cervical cancer, we want folks to know that the HPV vaccine is more than just cervical cancer prevention. HPV infects people of any age and any sex and can result in several types of cancer. The HPV vaccine is recommended starting at age 9 through age 26, but it’s most effective when given early. The HPV vaccine IS cancer prevention! Are you, your children, and your loved ones protected?

Immunize Colorado was formed in 1991 in response to alarmingly low vaccination rates across the state. At the time, only about 50% of Colorado’s children were adequately vaccinated. A group of physicians and other concerned individuals came together to strategize how to protect Coloradans from vaccine-preventable diseases and increase vaccine uptake. Much work remains. Discover ways to support our commitment to healthy Colorado communities at our website or make a donation today!

Immunize Colorado