Guest Mom JoAnn: Getting Poke’d

May 13, 2010

Welcome a lighthearted approach to vaccines from Guest Mom JoAnn Rasmussen

JoAnn Rasmussen writes at The Casual Perfectionist and is also the assistant editor at Mile High Mamas, the Denver Postā€™s parenting blog and online community.Ā  JoAnn and her husband have a four-year old daughter named Claire.

JoAnn is a self-proclaimed perfectionist, but doesnā€™t consider herself to be the stuffy, up-tight kind. Sheā€™s more of a casual perfectionist, hence the name of her website. She tries her hardest to focus on the positive, learn from the negative, and laugh at both. In fact, she is a firm believer in the notion that if you havenā€™t laughed today, you werenā€™t really paying attention.

Iā€™ll never forget Claireā€™s first trip to the doctorā€™s office for a shot she would actually remember.Ā  It was October 2007, right in the midst of flu shot season, and I wasnā€™t sure how things would go.Ā  At 22-months old, Claire was exponentially more mobile than she was last time.Ā  Weā€™d always been really lucky when it came to shots, so I was hoping this time would be no different.

When Claire was a baby, I never hesitated in getting her fully vaccinated on the schedule that our pediatrician had recommended.Ā  As a mother, it tugged at my heart to see the momentary flash of pain in her eyes, but it was quickly replaced by her beautiful smile, and I knew it was worth it.

I was so thankful to have access to these vaccines.Ā  The thought of protecting my child from the deadly diseases that had plagued my relatives only a generation before was worth it.Ā  Knowing that by getting my child vaccinated, she wouldnā€™t contract and pass along one of those preventable diseases to someone younger or unprotected was worth it.

Still, this was going to be the first time sheā€™d actually remember getting a vaccine, and I wanted it to go well.

That morning, I set the scene.Ā  ā€œGuess where we get to go today! We get to go to the doctorā€™s office, and heā€™s going to give you a flu shot. Heā€™s going to give you a shot in the arm. And, it will feel like a poke!ā€ I said as I lightly pinched her upper arm. ā€œMommaā€™s going to get a flu shot too, and sheā€™s going to get a poke in the arm, just like Claire!ā€

ā€œThe doctorā€™s gonna poke my arm!ā€ she said excitedly. ā€œThe doctorā€™s gonna poke Mommaā€™s arm!ā€ She didnā€™t understand that there could be pain involved with a poke in the arm, but I let her run with it. Any chance to go on an adventure was exciting, and I was hoping to use that excitement to my advantage.

When we got to the office, she didnā€™t want to wait for me to fill out the paperwork, and she headed down the hallway with one of the little chairs. ā€œIā€™m gonna go see the doctor! Heā€™s gonna poke my arm!ā€ she yelled as she pushed the chair through the doorway.Ā  Luckily, I was able to retrieve her before she got too far.

Claireā€™s excitement was nearly as contagious as the toys over on the ā€œsick kidā€ side of the waiting room, and this was quite entertaining for the receptionists. They certainly didnā€™t see this every day.

Because this was a ā€œFlu Shot Clinic,ā€ there were lots of people in line with us.Ā  ā€œThe doctorā€™s gonna poke my arm!ā€ Claire told a little girl waiting in line in front of us.Ā  Claire didnā€™t understand why this was so upsetting to the little girl who now had a look of shocked panic on her face. ā€œOh yes. Weā€™re really excited about getting our flu shots,ā€ I said to the little girl and her mother. What else could I do?

Then, it was our turn. The nurse called, ā€œNext!ā€ and Claire dragged me into the room. ā€œHurry, Momma! Hurry! The doctorā€™s gonna poke my arm!ā€

I got my shot first, and then it was Claireā€™s turn. It took three seconds, and she didnā€™t even flinch! She was all smiles and even thanked the nurse. The nurse gave her a big yellow smiley face sticker. As Claire was clutching her newest prized possession she said, ā€œThe doctor pokeā€™d my arm! The doctor pokeā€™d Mommaā€™s arm! I got a sticker!!ā€

Over the years, our experience has remained the same, and I am glad that the hardest part about getting a vaccine is containing our excitement while waiting in line.

Immunize Colorado