Friday Flu Shot: Get a Shot, Give a Shot

September 27, 2013

Jen Flu Shot

Fall has officially arrived and flu vaccine is rolling in to healthcare providers’ offices, clinics and pharmacies across the U.S. That means itā€™s time to prepare for colder temps and sniffles season with an annual flu vaccine.

Our friend Jen Stanton set a cheery example by getting a flu shot from Walgreen’s Pharmacist Shari Bohn live on Denver’s 99.5 KQMT last week. While Jen knows all too well the importance of vaccinating to keep ourselves and our little ones healthy, getting vaccinated this flu season has added value.

Thanks to the new Get a Shot, Give a Shot campaign, every time a person receives a vaccine at Walgreen’s from now until October 14 they’ll donate a lifesaving vaccine to a child in a developing country through the UN Foundation’s Shot@Life campaign.

Immunization is one of the worldā€™s biggest public health success stories. Yet, 1 in 5 children still lack access to the life-saving immunizations that help keep children in the U.S. healthy.

Coordinated worldwide vaccination efforts have made significant progress, particularly in reducing cases of measles and polio, but more work is needed. Through campaigns like Shot@Life, we have the power to prevent 1.5 million unnecessary deaths every year, and ensure that all children, no matter where they live, have a shot at a healthy life.

Become a part of the success story. Take a few minutes to protect yourself, your child and your community against influenza, and help make our world a healthier place.

Immunize Colorado