Chris Crouch was anti-vaccine. Now his pregnant wife had covid, and he faced a terrible choice

February 22, 2022

Chris Crouch had had low expectations for online dating. He was a police officer in his 30s, almost a year out from a painful divorce, and, he said, the women he had met had been ā€œplaying gamesā€ in ways that left him dispirited.

Then he met her.

Diana Garcia Martinez was 24 and a busy single mom whose sister had set up her profile without her knowing. She was intelligent, empathetic and upfront, and by the third date, he was in love. ā€œIt was just a feeling. ā€¦ I felt like I knew her my whole life,ā€ he recalled explaining to his cousin Gilbert, knowing it was a cliche but also true.

Now, four years later, he was in a hospital intensive care room remembering their courtship as his wife lay unconscious, hooked up to a tangle of machines keeping her alive. Diana was 20 weeks pregnant, and he had a decision to make.

Read more at The Washington Post.

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