For the last year and a half, Colorado’s children have missed out on so many things – from sports games to birthday parties, and from sleepovers to in-person learning. Children are resilient, but they shouldn’t face ongoing challenges without support. That’s why the early-November announcement that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is available for kids ages 5-11 is such good news for our community. Now that all school-aged children are eligible to be vaccinated, our kids can get back to the things they love — and most importantly, they can get back to being kids.
To help parents find resources and information about COVID-19 vaccines for children, the local public health partners in the Denver Metro Area — Boulder County Public Health, Broomfield Department of Public Health and Environment, Denver Department of Public Health and Environment, Jefferson County Public Health, Public Health Institute at Denver Health and Tri-County Health Department — in partnership with Immunize Colorado are launching a new public information campaign. The campaign, which is called “COVID-19 Vaccines Help Kids Be Kids” and launches this week, features local pediatricians, family medicine providers and public health experts explaining the ins-and-outs of the vaccine, and why they support vaccination for children ages 5-11. In addition, the campaign features local parents sharing why they are choosing to get their own child vaccinated.
Read more at Edgewater Echo.