Annual COVID Shots Mean We Can Stop Counting

November 8, 2022

A couple of weeks ago, a friend asked me how many COVID shots Iā€™d gotten so far. And for a brief, wonderful moment, I forgot.

ā€œThree,ā€ I told them, before shaking my head. ā€œNo, actually, four.ā€ I had no trouble recalling when Iā€™d received my most recent shot (September). But it took me a moment to tabulate all the doses that had preceded it.

By this point in the pandemic, a lot of people must be losing track. ā€œI actually think this is a good thing,ā€ says Grace Lee, a pediatrician at Stanford, and the chair of the CDCā€™s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Now that so many Americans have racked up several shots or infections, she told me, the question is no longer ā€œā€˜How many doses have you gotten cumulatively?ā€™ Itā€™s ā€˜Are you up to date for the season?ā€™ā€

Read more at The Atlantic.

Immunize Colorado