AIM to Offer Reminder-Recall Postcard Campaign Support

September 29, 2021

The Association of Immunization Managers (AIM) is helping immunization programs across the U.S. address drops in childhood and adolescent coverage rates. AIM is offering to coordinate a postcard reminder/recall campaign for children and/or adolescents due for vaccines. AIM will pay for the postcard service, provide the postcard template (if desired), edit the content, and coordinate the mailing. Immunization programs would just need to provide the IIS records and approve the designs.

This is a simple and highly beneficial way to try to boost childhood and adolescent vaccination rates in your jurisdiction. So far, AIM has partnered with the District of Columbia, Wyoming, and California to conduct reminder/recall postcard campaigns. Attached are some examples and more information. AIM hopes this will ease the burden on immunization programs of getting reminder/recall postcards in the hands of caregivers.Ā 

Immunize Colorado