A Guide to Mixed-Vaccination-Status Holidays

December 17, 2021

December 15, 2021

This time last year, health officials were advising Americans to stay home for the holidays. The CDC cautioned against travel; Anthony Fauci announced that he would be spending Christmas apart from his children for the first time in 30 years. But that grim advice was accompanied by hope for a normal 2021 holiday season: Pfizerā€™s COVID-19 vaccine was authorized for emergency use in adults on December 11, 2020, with Modernaā€™s following close behind.

Now 61 percent of Americans are fully vaccinated, and more than 70 percent have received at least one dose of a vaccine. These numbers mean that millions of American families can feel a whole lot safer than they did last year about gathering for the holidays.

But U.S. vaccination rates still leave a lot of room for unprotected family members or friends at celebrations, unwrapping gifts or ringing in the new year togetherā€”including children under 5, who still arenā€™t eligible for any COVID-19 vaccine. While vaccinated peopleĀ tend to liveĀ with other vaccinated people, and unvaccinated people with other unvaccinated people, ā€œI think once you start adding in extended families ā€¦ mixed vaccination status would become pretty common,ā€ Jennifer Beam Dowd, a demography and population-health professor at the University of Oxford, told us.

Read more at The Atlantic.

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